Monday, June 15, 2009

Excited about my future home!

I've been talking to Mike online about booking our trip out to Denver for July. I found a few more photos i take with twice aforementioned Mahler. Man, I cannot wait to be out there living the dream.


  1. please tell me that's denver...awwwwesome

  2. soooo envious of this!!! i sort of want to live in denver too... but first i need to visit. you are top on my list to visit! thanks for your encouragement! seriously! we should chat more!

  3. Living the dream indeed. I keep wondering if or when I'm going to get tired of how perfect it out here ALL THE TIME... hasn't happened yet

  4. My good friend Josh just moved there last month. Now I'm losing you, too?
    Alright I'm kinda jealous. I've been out to the's beautiful and I'd skip out on the East Coast in a heartbeat.
